10 Signs That Yoga Has Become a Way of Life

Since my earliest days of Mickey's Mousercise, I've been through my share of exercise phases.  I've had the thrilling realization that this workout will sculpt my body and change my life. And I've had it again and again: step aerobics, ballet workouts, kickboxing, belly dancing, Zumba. Each phase was fun, but also short-lived and easily replaced by the next shiny new workout routine.

Yoga is different. Yoga often begins as a search for fitness and stress relief, but it can become so much more. Yoga has wound its way into my life and changed me in subtle (and not so subtle) ways.

Here are some signs that your yoga practice has become more than a workout routine:

1. You listen to your breath and body

After years of using ujjayi pranayama during practice, it's no longer a surprise to find yourself tuning into your breath off your mat, especially in stressful situations.

2. You stop comparing your practice 

You know you've come a long way when you can admire the pictures in Yoga Journal, or notice an impressive pincha mayurasana across the studio, without feeling bad about your own practice.

3. You know that body shape doesn't indicate strength or flexibility

You've seen enough variety in yoga classes to realize that there's no such thing as a "yoga body." Every body can practice yoga, beautifully.

4. You care more about your teacher's message than the poses she can take

Seeing a yoga teacher in an advanced pose is impressive, but it isn't everything. Teachers offer their own unique perspectives and you can appreciate what each one has to offer.

5. You stop seeing advanced asanas as the ultimate goal

Working your way up to a challenging pose is exciting but it isn't the only goal, or even the best goal. Some days, giving yourself permission to rest in child's pose is your biggest challenge.

6. You feel the emotions stored in your body

You understand how emotions can be held in your body and released with yoga. Maybe you've even burst into tears when sinking into a deep hip-opener.

7. You look for answers inside yourself

Teachers help guide your practice, but you know that you are your best teacher. You listen to your body and trust that you know what's best for you, both on and off the mat.

8. You know how asana fits into a larger yoga practice

Instead of focusing on a physical practice alone, you've branched into meditation and pranayama. You might even study the Yoga Sutras and look for ways to use the Yamas and Niyamas in daily life.

9. You accept that others are on their own path

When you first fall in love with yoga, you want to share it with everyone. Eventually you move past that, realizing that you can wait for the right moment, or to be asked, before bringing up yoga.

10. You keep coming back to your mat

When yoga is a way of life, your practice is a comfort. You keep coming back to your mat, day after day, because you know how centered, strong and relaxed you will feel.

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