Corpse Pose - Savasana

Savasana, or corpse pose, is a final resting pose that is taken at the end of a yoga practice. It appears to be a simple pose, but it isn't always easy. Lying still for several minutes can be bliss, or an uncomfortable experience. But there are ways to make Savasana more comfortable as you learn how to relax your mind and find ease in the pose.

Getting into Savasana (corpse pose):
  • Stretch out on your back in a comfortable position. 
  • Let your legs relax, maybe letting your feet drop open.
  • Rest your arms at your sides, maybe turning your palms up.
  • Think about drawing your shoulders away from your ears and gently settling your shoulder blades flat on the mat.
  • Let your back find its natural curve.
  • Relax your face and jaw. Close your eyes or cover them with a towel or eye pillow.
  • Let go of ujjayi pranayama or other focused breathing.
  • Let your thoughts drift by like clouds, without giving them attention. 


Savasana lets your body and mind relax, so you can process the physical work of your practice. Yet there are times when it may not feel good to lie flat on your back. There are several options you can try to become more comfortable:
  • Bring a bolster or rolled blanket underneath your gently bent knees.
  • Place a lightly rolled hand towel under your neck to support your head.
  • Place a folded blanket under your hips and/or head.
  • Bend your knees and keep your feet on the mat, perhaps letting your knees meet in the middle.
  • Roll to your side, with lightly bent knees, and cradle your head on your arm.
  • Take a seated meditation instead of savasana.  


Savasana is meant to be comfortable. If you cannot get comfortable in this pose for any reason, choose another resting position where you can relax and let go of your thoughts. During pregnancy, lie on your side instead of flat on your back. If you have a cold and have trouble breathing, you may be more comfortable in a seated meditation.

Things to think about:

While savasana is simple from a physical standpoint, it can be challenging mentally. Instead of trying to "clear your mind," try letting your thoughts float by like clouds. Observe your thoughts without creating a story about them. Be patient with yourself. It may not feel like you are doing much, but resting quietly for several minutes is an important part of your yoga practice.


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