Chair Pose - Utkatasana

Chair pose, utkatasana, is a common yoga pose which goes by several different names. Two of well-known names are lightning bolt pose and awkward pose. Yes, awkward pose.

When you're new to yoga, chair pose can definitely feel awkward. Some small adjustments to balance your center of gravity and lengthen your spine can often make chair pose feel more comfortable and stable. It will also get easier as you build strength and flexibility.

Getting into Chair Pose (Utkatasana):
  • Stand in mountain pose, engaging your core to keep your belly in and your spine long. 
  • Your feet can be close together, with the base of your big toes touching, or you can leave a little space between your feet. Make sure your toes are pointing forward and your knees stay in line with your toes. 
  • Reach your arms overhead, palms facing in (toward each other) and relax your shoulders away from your ears. 
  • Bend your knees as if you are about to sit your hips back onto a chair. Your upper body may lean forward some, but try to keep your back long and your belly pulled in. 
  • Engage your inner thighs, either pressing them gently together or imagining you are holding a block between them. Make sure your knees are still forward, in line with your toes. 
  • Shift your weight into your heels so your toes are light. You may even lift your toes and lower them back down to feel your steady foundation. Do not grip the mat with your toes.
  • To keep the length in your low back, let your tailbone release toward the ground, finding a slight tuck as you pull your belly button firmly toward your spine. 

Holding chair pose can be very challenging, particularly in your thighs and lower body. With all that focus from the hips down, your shoulders may also start hunching up around your neck. There are some modifications that can help.
  • Your feet do not have to touch. If you feel more stable with some space between your feet, take chair pose with your feet hip-width distance apart. (Also use wide feet if you are pregnant.)
  • Make sure your knees are facing the same direction as your toes. Letting your knees rotate in or out can cause strain. If you're having trouble, bend your knees less. You can deepen the pose when you build more strength and confidence in the shape. 
  • If you have space between your feet, try placing a block between your thighs. Adjust your feet and the block until your toes and knees are in line, facing forward. A block will help you keep your thighs engaged. 
  • If your shoulders are hunching up, separate your arms wider and bend your elbows until it becomes easier to let your shoulders relax and your chest feel more open. 


During a vinyasa yoga class, utkatasana is taken as part of Sun Salutations B. It can also be taken as a pose on it's own or as a transition while moving into another shape, such as prayer twist or eagle pose. Chair pose can also be taken with different arm variations.

One common variation in chair pose is to bring your arms behind your back and interlace your fingers. (pictured above) This stretches out your shoulders and lets you open your chest. If it's difficult to interlace your fingers, you can hold a strap or a hand towel between your hands.

Another option would be to keep your arms overhead, but bring your palms together. You may need to bend your elbows to keep your shoulders relaxed. If you feel your shoulders hunching up around your ears, you're better off keeping space between your hands.

Things to think about:

Chair pose may not be your favorite shape when you are new to yoga. It took many months (years?) before I made peace with chair pose and it can still be challenging when my quads are feeling sore or tired. But utkatasana does increase strength in your core and low body. At the beginning of a practice, it also helps build heat and center your focus.

If you are having trouble with chair pose, talk to your teacher after class. One or two small adjustments can make a big difference in how this pose feels.

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