Meditation: A Morning Ritual

It's hard to get out of bed most mornings. Sometimes it's a struggle because I was up too late or didn't sleep well. Sometimes it's a struggle because I'm so cozy and comfortable that I don't want to move.

I need a reason to get out of bed. A motivation.

When I'm lying in bed, I can look directly across the room to see the small, uncluttered corner where I like to meditate. It's a relatively empty space. Just a low, wooden table (a bed tray actually) that has a mostly clear surface.

On the table, I can see my mala beads, some books on pranayama/meditation, and a set of affirmation cards. Currently, it's this set of Affirmators, which I love.

The space is just a few feet from my bed.

As I lie under the warm covers, I start to wonder which card I will randomly choose today. I tell myself that it's not that hard to cross those few short feet.

There is a hand-knit shawl folded beneath the table.

I can drape the shawl around my shoulders if I'm cold. I can leave it folded to use as a cushion if I need a more comfortable seat.

Meditation comes first, but it doesn't have to be long. Five to ten minutes is typical. I use different meditation techniques, such as mantra, counted breath, mala beads, or mindfulness meditation.

Next comes a brief pranayama practice (breath control). I'm usually slow to start in the mornings, so I often choose an energetic breath like kapalbhati, bhastrika, or ujjayi. But sometimes a more balancing breath like nadi shodhana or sama vritti. Only a few rounds.

Once that's done, I can shuffle the affirmation cards and choose one at random. Just one.

The whole ritual only takes about 10 to 15 minutes (longer, if I have the time). After it's done, I feel ready to get up and go about my day.

Sometimes you just need a little ritual, a routine with a few easy steps, to push through and get moving. To face another day.

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